Tuesday, May 11, 2010

New Phase

          Though I finished at the Rep at the end of March, theatre was not finished with me. In April, I rehearsed and appeared in the Milwaukee Gay Arts Center's 2010 presentation of Eve Ensler's The Vagina Monologues. We rehearsed for two weeks and our perfomances raised over $1,000 for organizations that work to reduce violence against women, both in Milwaukee and in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

           This production was a blast to work on because it afforded me the chance to meet so many lovely, strong women (as well as Alan and James). I am looking forward to the remount production we will begin rehearsing for PrideFest. We take the stage June 13.

       In the meantime, I'm working three jobs, apartment hunting, and finding time for my people.
I'm either all buzzing industriousness or running in circles; time will tell...

Ellen Marie

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Oh. My. God.
I have loved Kevin Richardson since the age of 13. He is my favorite Backstreet Boy. He was the man.

That said, I just was missing him so I decided to see what he's been up to.
Wellllll........he has an IMDB profile. And on it are many pictures which made me laugh. And drool.
Laugh and drool simultaneously. Imagine that if you care to.

Here is one from the Christian romance made-for-TV-movie, with Haylie Duff, Love Takes Wing. His character is named Cryus Cain and he wears pince nez, just like when I first fell in love with him...
I think I may force myself sit through this putrescent movie just to see him. I'm such a good fan!

Here is the trailer link:

Here are some more fabulous pictures. Enjoy.......
I really hope he doesn't become a magician...
Recently I've been replacing Kevin with this guy:

It's been working out pretty well so far.

Anyway, I had a fabulous day at work in which I primed the Giant Thunder Chicken black! and then i painted lots of walls and columns with glue and then grey paint...But let's not think about that right now!
I had lunch with Nell, which was very nice, but chilly in the Milwaukee Center rotunda. Tonight the two of us will be going out on the town--Oh, yes it's Ladies' Night/And the feelin's right--We can talk about our special guys. Mmmmmm...Patrick Sharp...
Oops I just almost burned down the apartment with a combination of oven chicken tenders, loud music and distracting blogging... 

That is all,
Ellen Marie

Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Program End Party

This is my preceptor, Dorothy, dancing to Soulja Boy. They have all the moves.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Day One

I had blueberry pancakes for breakfast. Then I went to Chicago with my gigantor load of luggage, which I (and to a greater extent, Dan) had to lug over sidewalks to get to the Urban Studies office, where I will be staying for the next week. Becki and I will be working cleaning grimy apartments for the other Urban Studies students to live in. As a result we get to explore the city............which sucks. Not the city...the exploring. We received CTA week passes which we used several each time with escalating frustration, because we had no idea where we were going. At the one single time we became separated on the Blue Line I made a friend. His name is Jose and he is a very smooth customer. However, I could not use the proffered number as I as yet have no phone. I will work on remedying this in the coming days (weeks? months?) It is of no matter. Needless, we spent clutching our purses, sweating profusely as we clung for dear onto the poles of the trains and booked our tails up the street, once through production for some movie, which appeared to have the attention of the entire Chicago police force, as well as a very sumptuous craft services table (that means yummy vittles not glitter and googly eyes). The apartment we attempted to clean was caked in grime. We will return on the morrow to resume our seemingly futile crusade against crust and mildew. Also Steve's place has a very greasy vegetarian sub, which no doubt would been delicioso if I had eaten when I got it at 2pm instead 8pm when we finally returned headquarters after our exhausting excursion. Now however, I like to think we have gained an intimate knowledge of the train system. Kind of.
Ellen Marie