Tuesday, May 11, 2010

New Phase

          Though I finished at the Rep at the end of March, theatre was not finished with me. In April, I rehearsed and appeared in the Milwaukee Gay Arts Center's 2010 presentation of Eve Ensler's The Vagina Monologues. We rehearsed for two weeks and our perfomances raised over $1,000 for organizations that work to reduce violence against women, both in Milwaukee and in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

           This production was a blast to work on because it afforded me the chance to meet so many lovely, strong women (as well as Alan and James). I am looking forward to the remount production we will begin rehearsing for PrideFest. We take the stage June 13.

       In the meantime, I'm working three jobs, apartment hunting, and finding time for my people.
I'm either all buzzing industriousness or running in circles; time will tell...

Ellen Marie